The House is Haunted


General Series Info

Series Name: Haunted Mansion
Release Date: First Release March 2015
2nd Release January 2018
Current Status: Available in store
Series Items: Dress, skirt, Tights, Necklace

Captura de pantalla 2018-01-30 a las 20.36.52.png

The house is haunted
By the echo of your last goodbye
Yeah, the house is haunted
By the memories that refuse to die

I can't get away from a vision that brings
Intimate glimpses of intimate things
A voice in my heart like a torch singer sings
I wonder who's kissing you now


The house is haunted
By the echo of your favorite song

The place is cluttered up
With roses that have lived
Too long, much, much too long


The ceilings are white
But the shadows are black
A ghost in my heart says
You'll never come back

The house is haunted
By the echo of your last goodbye

Captura de pantalla 2018-01-25 a las 14.35.34.png

Pictures @loopneo Model @ruru_in_the_mirror

Magda Gomez